? Welcome to The Skyler Irvine Show ! On today’s episode Skyler will be talking to the founder of Park St. Studio Kory Miller. ?
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In This Episode:
” Everything I do feels very purposed.”
– Kory Miller

Park St. Studio is a visual design and marketing consulting studio that specializes in building better brands that sell. Skyler talks to Kory about his journey creating his business, what he has learned from using Instagram for branding and marketing, and how social media has changed individuality and original ideas.

On this episode of The SKYLER IRVINE Show, Skyler is joined by Kory Miller, who is the owner and designer of Park St. Studio.
Kory was born and raised in Flagstaff and moved to the valley in 2016. His favorite local spot is Press Coffee Roasters. According to Kory, they serve the best americano in town which fuels his creativity. He has always loved creating so his work makes him happy, but he also enjoys going on trips with his wife.
His favorite quote is “seizing new ground, making connections between people or ideas, working without a map-these are works of art, and if you do them, you are an artist, regardless of whether you wear a smock, use a computer, and work with your hands.” by Seth Godin from the book The Icarus Deception.
The biggest mistake he has made in his career was initially not betting on himself. When he first got started he was given opportunities from mentors/business partners that always ended up going nowhere. He quickly found that to get anywhere you don’t have to ask for permission to be who you want or to do what you feel called to do. When you bet on yourself you are more likely to win.
On the show, Skyler and Kory talk about his career, what it means to be an artist versus a designer, how social media has changed his career, and how he utilizes the iPad Pro as a creator.
Connect With Us:
Park St. Studio website, https://www.parkststudio.com
Instagram, @parkststudio
Kory Instagram, @korymiller
Kasey Miller Instagram, @kaseyjoymiller
Skyler Irvine website, https://www.skylerirvine.com
Instagram, @skylerirvine
Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/iskyler/