The Mindset to Change Your Life’s Direction, w/ John Brontsema

My whole life was dedicated to baseball from an early time. People say, “Don’t put your identity,” or “You’re not a baseball player. That’s not your identity.” It really is though. While it’s not, it feels like it, because every decision I made, everything I was passionate about was baseball and achieving the next level.



Personal Branding, Non-Profits, and Best Apps for Business | #AskSkylerLive 60 w/ Tim McBride

? It’s time for another episode of #AskSkylerLive! This is the show where Skyler answers audience submitted questions LIVE on Facebook. Today, we are joined with guest Tim McBride! ?

Tim McBride is the founder of Homes for Good. Tim is wanting to make a real difference with real estate. He is connecting causes they can support to raise awareness for local non-profits.

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Questions Asked:

1. What Charity in Phoenix Needs More Attention?

2. How Do You Decide What Charities to Work With?

3. What Apps/Softwares are You Currently Using That Have Changed the Way You Do Business?

Connect With Us:

Tim McBride



Instagram, @tim_mcbride_re 

Skyler Irvine

Website, https://www.skylerirvine.com


Instagram, @skylerirvine